The youngsters train every week at the new Gateway facility in Cove with the 2008 team now in their third season. Their new kits will give the players a sense of belonging and professionalism to the club. As with most of these clubs, all the coaches are volunteers and parents of the children. The team have been training and playing together for the past two years and are improving in every group of football tournaments and festivals.
Clare Donald, a parent, and wife of one of the coaches, commented: “On behalf of the Club we would like to thank Leiths for their generosity in supplying and sponsoring the 2008 team shirts. Your assistance in supplying the training gear this year will keep the players looking smart and warm during training matches. Leiths support has been very much appreciated and helps the kids to continue to play a game they love. It also allows them to take part in four aside matches which encourages ‘street’ football but in a controlled and safe manner to encourage creative play and the desire to fall in love with our national sport.”
Leiths recognise the importance of football as a local sport and the role it can play in the community. We are delighted that we are able to be part of our local community, helping the children live a more active and healthy lifestyle. We wish the Club and, especially the 2008 team, a great season and a great future.
Some of the Cove Youth Football Club 2008 Team and Coaches wearing their new Leiths sponsored Kit