In March 2014, the club visited Torrin Quarry and it was decided that a piece of granite, 1080mm long by 680mm wide and 450mm high, would be ideal. The upper and lower surfaces of the granite was cut into level surfaces for the installation of the statue but the sides were left in their organic state.
The Skye Terrier Club members, and enthusiasts of the breed from around the world, worked tirelessly throughout 2013 and 2014, raising money to fund the project. The project saw the production of the sculpture of the Skye Terriers, one prick and one drop ear, by talented sculptor Georgie Welch. The base of the statue bears an inscription – English on one side and Gaelic on the other.
The Homecoming was officially unveiled on 24 July 2014 in the ground of Armadale Castle by her Royal Highness The Princess Royal.
The completed statue will now be situated within the historic grounds of Armadale Castle at Sleat on the Isle of Skye. A small information area will also be created within the Clan Donald Museum of The Isles, which will inform visitors about the breed and its history. The Homecoming will offer a unique opportunity for visitors to learn more about the Skye Terriers, part of the Island’s heritage and now endangered.
John Angus and Diane Housley from Torrin Quarry attending on behalf of Leiths
The centre piece of this display will be the 140 year old plaster model of Greyfriars Bobby that was the maquette for the famous statue in Edinburgh which commemorates John Gray’s faithful Skye terrier, Bobby.
As part of the production process, Georgie Welch has produced quarter size maquettes that will be used to cast a limited number of sculptures available for pre-order through The Skye Terrier Club – proceeds will go towards the cost of the completed statue. To enquire about cost and availability please contact The Skye Terrier Club by email: www.skyeterrierclub.org.uk/contact-us.