Kishorn Port Ltd (KPL) wants to redevelop and up-grade the Kishorn yard which has been out of use for nearly 25 years – to serve the wind, marine and oil and gas sectors, and yesterday the public was invited to comment on their master plan.
The master plan includes the full-scale manufacture of concrete structures alongside other mixed uses for the offshore energy markets, including wind, wave and tidal. It would provide up to 2,500 jobs onsite, accommodation for 1,500 staff, related storage, warehousing, berthing and workshops and includes reclamation of the foreshore to create additional lay down areas. KPL director Simon Russell said they were delighted with the turnout for the public open day, which forms part of the planning process. He added that the planning application for the project was due to be submitted to Highland Council in June of this year.
Mr Russell said: “more than 100 people attended, which was an excellent response to an event of this kind. We were keen to see as many people as possible so we could give them an honest appraisal of our vision for the Kishorn yard. It was to give the local population the chance to see what the proposals are and to make comments on them so we can adjust the planning application if necessary.” He added that the response had been about 95% positive, with most people welcoming the jobs it would bring to the area.
However, there were a few concerns about the additional traffic using local roads, but Mr Russell pointed out that 90% of the materials used at the site would be coming and going by sea.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is supporting the development of offshore wind sector manufacturing at the site.
Helen Cameron, of HIE, yesterday said: “We have worked closely with KPL and the master planning process will look at the best way of developing the site to make the most of the emerging opportunities in renewable energy. Kishorn has a long and proud history in energy manufacturing and the advent of the renewable age looks likely to give the site a whole new lease of life.”