The MPA & British Precast Health and Safety Awards were held online on 10 November 2021.
With the theme of Safer by Sharing…Safer by Action, and hosted by BBC Presenter Sybil Ruscoe, the show enabled the industry to share innovation and celebrate the health and safety achievements delivered by the mineral products sector over the last two years.
Whether a business owner, senior manager, H&S specialist, site manager, supervisor, supplier, contractor or other key stakeholder, the event was a unique opportunity to learn about the innovations that are transforming health and safety in the mineral products industry and recognize actions that can be taken to make working environments safer for all.
Leiths were delighted to be included and awarded within the following categories:
- Safer Management of Pedestrians and Transport Onsite - RED Warning Beacon on Excavator
- Safer Production - Access Platform
- Safer Together - QR Code use for Near Miss Reporting
The Award Certificates can be viewed by clicking on the above links.
Nigel Jackson, chief executive of the MPA, said: "This is a great opportunity for the industry to come together not only to celebrate, but also to learn more about some amazing health and safety innovations. Drawn from across all sectors of the mineral products industry, everyone attending will be able to identify opportunities to apply some of the ideas highlighted to make their own workplaces safer or healthier."
[AggNet - Thursday, October 28, 2021]