Highland Lime Concrete Plant in Torlundy recently supplied its highest concrete pour, supplying concrete to the Nevis Range Snow Factory. The Snow Factory building is at the top of the Linnhe tow, west of the Alpha tow and has been designed to withstand wind and snow loading associated with the location. It will accommodate seven freezing units with the ability to product a maximum output of 168 m³ snow per day.
50m³ of C28/35 concrete with Durus easy finish macro synthetic fibre was supplied over a 2-day period, with all concrete placed using a helicopter. Macro fibres were added to the concrete during the batching process in lieu of steel mesh, reducing the risk of injuries from trips, falls and cuts associated with the use of steel mesh on site.
The use of macro-synthetic fibres has transformed concrete construction as the fibres are inert to atmospheric conditions, the alkalinity of concrete and moisture and therefore 100% rust-free. This makes for a long service life of the finished fibre-reinforced concrete floor slab and ideal solution for this harsh environment.
Leiths worked closely with our fibre supplier, Adfil, to design a macro fibre concrete to meet our customers’ expectations.
See attached Case Study from Adfil.