The objective of Scotland Limited, Grant Thornton's annual report, is to identify the country's top 100 privately owned companies and explore what lies behind their position as Scotland's most dynamic, fastest growing businesses.
Companies are categorised by sector and location to provide an insight into economic trends and to give a detailed understanding of how various industries are performing.
Construction remains an important sector within the Scottish economy. The number of construction based companies making the top 100 is down from 21 in 2017 to 15 in 2018 so Leiths are delighted to be listed this year, coming 62nd overall.
As Grant Thornton state, "Those businesses that are recognised this year reflect a change in direction for the industry. Greater focus on innovation and colloboration suggests the sector will continue to have a sustainable long-term future and play an important role in Scotland's economic prosperity."
Lorraine Macphail, Head of Real Estate Scotland, adds, "Whilst there might be fewer real estate and construction companies within the top 100, those that remain demonstrate a clear focus on resilience, diversification and long-term growth planning. Companies that are able to be innovative will be more agile and able to cope better with fluctuations in demand."
To see the Scotland Limited Report in full, please view the following link: https://www.grantthornton.co.uk/globalassets/1.-member-firms/united-kingdom/pdf/limited-reports/scotland-limited-report-2018.pdf