The Ocean GreatWhite drilling rig, which has been at Kishorn Port for the past few weeks has now departed. Following a very successful Open Day at Kishon on 23 February, the semi submersible drilling rig left the dry dock on Monday, 4 March 2019 on its way to the West of Shetland for the next part of its journey.
We wish the OGW, its crew and all the Diamond Offshore Drilling team all the very best from KPL, the Port staff and all at Leiths, a very safe journey and transit, and best wishes for a very successful drilling operation for Siccar Point Energy. Hopefully we will all see the return of the OGW to Kishorn sometime again in the future......
Please follow the links to the West Highland Free Press article (edition 2444, 04-03-19) - page 10, page 11.
Please also see the attached video link (credit: Diamond Offshore) - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6508380235287846912
Further enquiries should be directed to:
Alasdair Ferguson, Director of KPL on 07765 234880 or alasdair@kishornportltd.com
Simon Russell, Director of KPL on 07710 621542 or simon@kishornportltd.com
Mairi Sandison, Marketing Administrator for KPL on 01397 773840 or marketing@kishornportltd.com