The sixth training session of FuelGood driver training programme (funded by Transport Scotland) has been delivered as part of the Energy Saving Trust’s low-carbon transport package for Scottish Government. This training aims to help Companies reduce their carbon impact and fuel costs, and all support offered is tailored to the needs of the Company.
The 16 Leiths drivers who took part in the FuelGood driver training on 24/25 May 2016 showed an average improvement in MPG at point of training of 20% and the total results from this training equates to savings of approximately £8,611 and 16.7 tonnes of CO2 per year.
FuelGood driving not only helps participants to drive in a more efficient manner to improve fuel efficiency and cut emissions, but also encourages a safer driving style and can reduce the likelihood of accidents.
Feedback from the delegates who attended the traning, included:
"It's about changing habits of a lifetime."
"A very useful exercise, the small changes are more beneficial than I would have thought."
"I didn't appreciate how much fuel could be saved. The training provided simple but effective methods."
"It's lowered fuel consumption without reducing journey time."
Dave Bremner, Leith's H&S Director added, "The benefits of this training are far ranging with benefits to our Energy Management System - BS EN ISO50001 aswell as benefits to our Enviromental System - BS EN ISO14001. The benefits of this FuelGood Driver Training can also be applied to carbon reduction which is a consideration for all Companies."