Some of the employees at Montrose Precast participated in a ‘wear your pyjamas to work day’ in April to raise money for Crohns and Colitis UK.
Kayleigh Clark, Admin Assistant and Hayley Cruickshank, Estimating Assistant, organised the event in aid of Crohns and Colitis UK and managed to persuade some of the more sceptical of the factory team to join in along with Ewan Officer, Precast Finisher. Those who did not participate happily made a donation instead.
Crohns and Colitis are the main types of inflammatory bowel disease. Symptoms of both conditions include inflammation of the digestive system, anaemia, fatigue and arthritis. The major difference between the two is that crohns affects the entire digestive system whereas colitis affects the intestines. There is currently no known cure for either of these conditions but they are managed with daily medication, diet and, in some extreme cases, surgery. The charity was chosen as Kayleigh was diagnosed with Colitis in 2011 and, for being quite a common condition, not a lot of people have heard of it.
Kaleigh said after the event, “on behalf of us all at Montrose, I would like to thank everyone who who made a donation, including those at head office. All together we raised over £225.00.”