Markon operates over the whole of Scotland and the North of England. Leiths have considerable expertise in all aspects of road maintenance, and the planing division compliments this with a wide variety of plant including:
The combination of our road sweeper and 350mm planer as a single unit is ideal for the removal of road markings. Covering approximately 3km an hour, this unit completely removes thermoplastic lines and arisings, allowing immediate re-application. The unit has proven to be cost effective from small patching works, planing up to 100mm depth in one pass, complete removal of planing, and has the ability to travel quickly to the next location/site.
Our fleet of 1m wide planers, when coupled with tippers and plant trailers, provide a manoeurvable high output planing resource.
Our fleet of 2.2m planers are amongst the largest and most efficient in the country and are ideally suited to large scale contracts on motorways, trunk roads, airfields and harbours.
Tel: 01236 875134
Fax: 01236 875525