This Integrated Management System operates in accordance with the following:
• Health and Safety Management Standards: ES EN ISO 45001
• Quality Management Standard: BS EN ISO 9001
• Environmental Management Standards: BS EN ISO 14001
• Energy Management System: ISO 50001
• PAS99: Our IMR certificate number is IMR 78163
BSI have certificated and regularly audit our system. We believe our system is effective, as it has been written in house, with all divisions involved in developing the IMS processes and procedures. The IMS is written in such a way that when the company expands, the IMS expands around the business, strengthening it and allowing us to grow in a safe manner.
Our policy sets out our commitment to health and safety. Over the years, Leiths have always aimed at ensuring all works are carried out with due care and vigilance to both our staff and anyone affected by our works. Our IMS takes this to the next level, ensuring that all works meet Health and Safety standards and guidelines.
Our Certificate number is OHS 78161.
Our policy sets out our commitment to quality which extends to all areas of the group. Leiths have always placed emphasis on providing high Quality products and services for our customers. We have operated a quality management system in accordance with BS 9001 since 1997. Our IMS encourages us to continually improve quality and service.
Our Certificate number is FM 36907.
Our policy sets out our commitment to ensuring that all activities are managed in an environmentally responsible manner. Installing an Environmental Management System to complement our Quality Management Systems was a natural progression for better overall management of our business. Our IMS encourages us to operate in a manner that is efficient, minimising waste produced and becoming more environmentally conscious.
Our Certificate number is EMS 78154.
We consider working in a manner that promotes sustainability throughout the group to be essential as demonstrated by our policy.
Our Energy Policy sets out our commitment to ensuring that all sources of energy we use are controlled and managed effectively. We have committed to reducing our energy use across the group to meet the requriements of ISO 50001 which we believe will, in turn, benefit the enrivonment.
We continually strive to reduce our energy use without compromising on the high levels of quality and service.
Our Energy Management System compliments the Environmental Management System as well as our Quality Management System which is an integral part of our IMS.
Our Certificate number is ENMS 631711.
We attained registration to PAS99 – Integrated Management Registration in 2007; this allows us to use this specification to integrate management systems, run operations effectively and meet all regulatory requirements.
Our IMR certificate number is: IMR 78163.
To see our various registrations and certificate numbers click here
Tel: 01224 876333
Fax: 01224 876332